Help fund Reclaiming Our Rights
Or send a chek to CRNMC
PO Box 1133 Ukiah, CA 95482-1133



Who Decides?


Karina Cotler, Kelly Larson, and Sandy Marshall.

Karina Cotler, Kelly Larson, and Sandy Marshall.

 Event posters, hot off the press.

Beth Riedel, Beth Brenneman, Jane McCabe and Kimbal Dodge

Beth Riedel, Beth Brenneman, Jane McCabe and Kimbal Dodge


Willits Town Hall Meeting. The subject was, "Are we loosing our rights?"

Karina Cotler, Margaret Kostner, Charlene Ford, and Lynn Kennely

Karina Cotler, Margaret Kostner, Charlene Ford, and Lynn Kennely


After much back and forth with the county, we finally get the petitions are printed.

Inspecting petitions

Carrie Durkee and Karina Cotler


People start gathering signatures

Cynthia Raiser Jeavons and Patricia Norris

Cynthia Raiser Jeavons and Patricia Norris













Education events around the county.


June 6th 2014, Community Rights Network of Mendocino County's forum in Willits with Shannon Biggs; California's community rights advocate and David Braun; anti-fracking expert.


forum in Fort Bragg

June 7th 2014, Community Rights Network of Mendocino County's forum in Fort Bragg

Shannon and David

Shannon Biggs and David Braun



June 8th 2014, Community Rights Network of Mendocino County's forum in Ukiah

music at the Ukiah event

After many hours of work, by people throughout Mendocino County, the ordinance was submitted at the election office.


CRNMC turned in 6,356 signatures on June 26th 2014

Steve and Carrie with box of signatures

Ukiah Councilman Steve Scalmanini, one of the Proponents of Measure S and
Carrie Durkee, the organizer of the signature gathering, with the box of signed petitions.


Karina Cotler of Willits, one of the Proponents of the Community Bill of Rights on the ballot as Measure S, turning in the petitions.



Some of the CRNMC members came to the county offices to celebrate turning in the signatures.


Who Decides?


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Or send a chek to CRNMC
PO Box 1133 Ukiah, CA 95482-1133


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